Consumer Trends

WIN World Surveys

WIN World Survey – Gender Equality March 2023

March 8, 2023

Sustainability Monitor

Cost-of-living overtakes climate change as chief concern of Irish consumers

February 28, 2023

WIN World Surveys

WIN World Survey – Corporate Social Responsibility – February 2023

February 20, 2023

Consumer Mood Monitor

Consumer Mood Monitor January 2023 – Most consumers remain downbeat about the economic outlook

February 8, 2023

WIN World Surveys

WIN World Survey – Climate Change & Sustainability

January 26, 2023

WIN World Surveys

WIN World Survey on Cost of Living

January 16, 2023

Consumer Mood Monitor

Consumer Mood Monitor – October ’22. Confidence in the Economy Remains at Historic Low Point

November 10, 2022

Sustainability Monitor

Weighing up sustainability as a threat

November 3, 2022

Sustainability Monitor

UK Consumer Sustainability Monitor

October 13, 2022

Consumer Mood Monitor

Heading: Consumer Mood Monitor – July 2022 – Confidence in the Irish economy remains in the doldrums

August 9, 2022

Sustainability Monitor

Sustainability in the UK is taking a back seat as the cost-of-living and energy crisis dominate societies agenda

July 22, 2022

WIN World Surveys

Most in Ireland blame Russia for the war in Ukraine

June 10, 2022