Consumer Trends

Sustainability Monitor

UK Consumer Sustainability Monitor

October 13, 2022

Consumer Mood Monitor

Heading: Consumer Mood Monitor – July 2022 – Confidence in the Irish economy remains in the doldrums

August 9, 2022

Sustainability Monitor

Sustainability in the UK is taking a back seat as the cost-of-living and energy crisis dominate societies agenda

July 22, 2022

WIN World Surveys

Most in Ireland blame Russia for the war in Ukraine

June 10, 2022

Consumer Mood Monitor

Consumer Mood Monitor April 2022 – Significant Decline in Consumer Confidence Since the Start of This Year

May 25, 2022

WIN World Surveys

Phishing and data fraud have surged in Ireland since 2019

May 17, 2022

Sustainability Monitor

Connection between sustainability and ‘the slap’

April 12, 2022

WIN World Surveys

Health Index: Some improvement in Irish health behaviours, but alcohol consumption remains high overall as does stress among young people

April 7, 2022

WIN World Surveys

Gender Equality: Discrimination, violence, and sexual harassment against women remains a problem in Ireland

March 8, 2022

WIN World Surveys

Corporate Social Responsibility: More effort needed to educate consumers on real actions of companies

February 18, 2022

Consumer Mood Monitor

Consumer confidence at its highest level in almost three years

February 15, 2022

Sustainability Monitor

Climate Change & Sustainability:

January 26, 2022