Paddy Power Poll – 2nd Feb 2011 – General Election 2011. 

Fine Gael see a significant rise in support in today’s poll, taking 37% of the first preference vote, a rise of 3% since the last RED C poll at the weekend.   If this trend continues, the party must be looking at the possibility of forming a government and possibly just needing the help of like minded Independent candidates to do so.

In contrast Labour’s share continues to trend downwards. They secure 19% support in today’s poll, down 2% since the weekend; but significantly down on the 27% high they saw towards the end of 2010.

Fianna Fail support trends upwards securing 18% in today’s poll, up 2% since the weekend, and creeping up toward 20% again.  This is presumably on the back of Martin taking over as leader, as he is again seen as the best person to represent Ireland as Taoiseach when party support is put aside.

Sinn Fein support slips again in today’s poll to leave them securing 12% first preference, and has been trending downwards slowly since the Donegal by election success gave the party such a boost.

The Green Party takes a 3% share of the vote, which is their average share over the past 6 or 7 polls, and will leave them very tight to secure any seats

Support for Independents, which had been very high at 15%, drops back to 11%.

A key point from this poll is that, with just over three weeks until polling day, there are still 20% of likely voters who remain undecided in how they will vote, and as such there is still all to play for.

Paddy Power – Vote Intention Poll Report- 2nd Feb 2011