Delighted to have been asked to speak at the Digital Marketing conference yesterday.  They had a great line up and some very interesting speakers.

There is no doubt that the growth of mobile as an internet platform was one of the main trends spoken about by a number of speakers.  Our own primary research among Internet users certainly suggested that more mobile internet access was the big growth area for the year ahead.

Already 35% of those online claim to have smart phones, and it it those who are aware they have smart phone who are using them as such!  But the big finding was the possible 20% increase in this figure over the next year.  That could leave smart phone ownership ahead of desktop ownership in Ireland by this April 2012.

In the same theme, while current tablet penetration is currently at just 8%, based on claimed likely purchase this was also seen to potentially grow by 200% over the next year.  meaning that by April 2012 close to a third of all Internet users, and a quarter of all adults may have tablets.

This explosion in ownership, coupled with a huge desire for connections through social media is driving the time spent online.  In our survey those currently online claim to now be spending close to 2 hours and 45 minutes online each day on average, the same as the spend watching TV.

The potent combination of fast growing social media engagement, and the increased availabilityof smart phone connection, will mean time spent online will continue to grow.   This online media interaction is over and above other media consumption, rather than a replacement – and often compliments other media.

It suggests that brands need to utilise the consumer desire for  “connection” and build campaigns that facilitate and engage consumers during connections, rather than impose on this time, in order to take advantage of this consumer interface.

Download the full report below:-

Digital Marketing Conference 2011 – RED C Online Survey