Ciara is an award winning researcher with nine years’ experience in market research. During her career in RED C, she has worked across a wide variety of industries with specialties in Tourism & Aviation, Retail and Telecommunications.

Ciara is primarily a quantitative researcher with expertise in VoC (Voice of the Consumer) and Advertising & Brand Tracking programmes. Beyond these, she is highly skilled in numerous areas including market segmentation, conjoint analysis, mystery shopping and customer satisfaction. Her experience extends both within and beyond Ireland with hands-on experience of conducting research in UK, Europe, Asia and North America.

She is a participant in WIN WE, a network of independent market research agencies in Western Europe, and meets regularly with her European counterparts to discuss latest techniques, practices and insights with the common goal of providing higher quality market research to clients.

Ciara has a Bachelors degree from Dublin Institute Technology and a Masters Degree from Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School.