Latest Sunday Business Post Tracking Poll Results
Fine Gael 39% (+1), Feb 4 poll average = 37%, trending 37%, 35%, 38%, 39%
Labour 17% (-3), Feb 4 poll average = 20%, trending 19%, 22%, 20%, 17%
Fianna Fail 16% (+1), Feb 4 poll average = 17%, trending 18%, 17%, 15%, 16%
Sinn Fein 12% (+2), Feb 4 poll average = 12%, trending 12%, 13%, 10%, 12%
Greens 2% (-1), Feb 4 poll average = 2-3%, trending 3%, 2%, 3%, 2%
Independents 14% (-), Feb 4 poll average = 12%, trending 11%, 11%, 14%, 14%
Undecided voters fall to 16%, from 17% last week.
Fine Gael results in this poll continues underlying trend seen over past 6-8 polls of gradual increasing vote, Labour trend is downwards.
More tomorrow in the Sunday Business Post