iDeator™ from RED C is a tried and trusted, award winning and highly cost effective quantitative online tool specifically designed to evaluate early stage product propositions. This gives you the confidence you need to focus resources and effort on those propositions which show clear potential for in-market success; saving you both time and money!



The iDeator™ tool is perfect for testing early stage propositions and has a proven application across a number of areas of innovation, including:

New Product Development (NPD)
New Format or Packaging Design Applications
Naming or Re–naming Assignments
Alternative Positioning Assessment


iDeator™ data is collected using an online survey which offers a number of advantages including:

  • Cost and time effectiveness
  • The ability to manage complex rotations and additional rules applied to the concepts
  • Allows the use of visual stimulus to show concepts at a consistent quality standard
  • Rapid access to relevant core target groups
  • Ability to handle price modelling questions which require dynamic logic and rotations
  • The survey comprises a balance of elective category specific questions as well as a set of 11 specific metrics that feed into our concept assessment algorithm.  We manage concept exposure using a sequential monadic rotation ensuring every concept is seen an equal number of times in first position to remove any potential order effects.


The centrepiece of the iDeator™ system is an excel-based mapping tool that allows you to see the potential of a concept visually and concisely.  There are two axes used by the tool to produce this map:  Market Potential and Concept Strength.  These are derived from a regression based weighting algorithm that recognises the relative impact of certain key measures on expected market.  All of our iDeator™ clients receive their own excel-based databank featuring their scores and normative data, a concept gallery as well as the mapping tool shown below:


Several hundred concepts have passed through the iDeator™ method, so we have a large databank of normative data against which you can compare your concept’s results.

Download our iDeator™ Brochure by clicking the link below:

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